Dr. Ian Oppermann is the NSW Government’s Chief Data Scientist and CEO of the NSW Data Analytics Centre. Ian has 27 years’ experience in the ICT sector and, has led organizations with more than 300 people, delivering products and outcomes that have impacted hundreds of millions of people globally. He has held senior management roles in Europe and Australia as Director for Radio Access Performance at Nokia, Global Head of Sales Partnering (network software) at Nokia Siemens Networks, and then Divisional Chief and Flagship Director at CSIRO.
Privacy in a Hyper Connected world – dealing with data sharing
Beyond 5G offers a world of hyper connectivity. It is also the enabler of “smart” for homes, businesses, factories, farms and allother aspects of society. These Future Smart Services rely on sharing of large volumes of often personal data between individuals and organisations, or between individuals and governments. The benefit is the ability to create locally optimised or individually personalised services based on personal preference, as well as an understanding of the wider network of users and providers. If these datasets are linked, a great of personal information may be contained in the joined data, sufficient to reasonably reidentify individuals represented in the data. How this data is used and by whom for what purposes creates risks and concerns. As protections such as GDPR become increasingly relevant to future smart services, methods to understand “how personal” linked deidentified data has become is critical to ensure appropriate operation of these smart services.
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