Petar Popovski, Aalborg University

Petar Popovski is a Professor Aalborg University, where he heads the section on Connectivity. He received his Dipl.-Ing and M. Sc. degrees in communication engineering from the University of Sts. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje and the Ph.D. degree from Aalborg University in 2005. He is a Fellow of the IEEE. He received an ERC Consolidator Grant (2015), the Danish Elite Researcher award (2016), IEEE Fred W. Ellersick prize (2016), IEEE Stephen O. Rice prize (2018) and Technical Achievement Award from the IEEE Technical Committee on Smart Grid Communications (2019). He is currently a Member at Large at the Board of Governors in IEEE Communication Society. Prof. Popovski is a Steering Committee Member of IEEE SmartGridComm and IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GREEN COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING. He previously served as a Steering Committee Member of the IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL. He is currently an Area Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. Prof. Popovski was the General Chair for IEEE SmartGridComm 2018 and IEEE Communication Theory Workshop 2019. His research interests are in the area of wireless communication and communication theory. His book “Wireless Connectivity: An Intuitive and Fundamental Guide” will be published by Wiley in April 2020. 

LEO Small-Satellite Constellations in Post-5G Connectivity

Low Earth Orbit (LEO) small-satellite constellations will play an increasing role in supporting various connectivity types set for 5G and beyond-5G wireless systems. As a starting point, the requirements for the three connectivity types associated with 5G (eMBB, mMTC and URLLC) need to be generalized by considering the physical context of satellite communications. This talk will cover the following aspects: 1) description of the small satellite impairments and the main characteristics of LEO constellations, and their role in 5G and post-5G connectivity; 2) a taxonomy for the physical/logical link types, with a special emphasis on Inter-Satellite Links (ISL); and 3) a systematic review of the relevant technologies to support different connectivity types through satellite constellations. 

Hits: 663


Final manuscript:
14 February 2020


Update in the evening of 12 March 2020:

2nd 6G Wireless Summit 2020 will be organised as a VIRTUAL EVENT due to the rapidly changing COVID-19 situation.


Email information sent to all participants: Workshops and Tutorials cancelled on Thursday and Friday 19-20 March!


Final Programme published


Organizers’ approach on COVID-19 virus published


Advance Programme published!


Call for Participation published for Expert Groups for Themed 6G Research White Papers












Video recap of the 6G WIRELESS Summit 2019