Qi Bi, China Telecom

Dr. Bi is the Chief Expert of China Telecom and the CTO of China Telecom Research Institute, managing R&D organizations with responsibilities in wireless communications. His current focus is on 5G/6G innovations responsible for technologies, standards and trials in China Telecom.  

Previously, Dr. Bi worked at Bell Labs for 20+ years and was awarded the prestigious Bell Labs Fellow in 2002. Other awards included Bell Labs President’s Gold Awards in 2000 & 2002, the Bell Labs Innovation Team Award in 2003, and Asian American Engineer of the Year in 2005. He is an IEEE Fellow.  

Dr. Bi received his M.S. from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Ph.D. from Pennsylvania State University.  He holds 47 US patents, 63 European patents and 75 Chinese patents. While in China Telecom, one of his 4G innovation projects was successfully deployed in 75% of China Telecom’s markets, and won the GTB Innovation Award at London in 2014.  

Ten Problems for 6G from the Service Provider’s Perspective

With the rapid deployment of 5G in China and other parts of the world, the focus of the research community has shifted to 6G. In this early stage, it is important to understand what might be the main drivers for 6G and what are the major problems 6G should solve. While many speculations exist that predicted the expectations of 6G including the faster data rate, shorter transmission delay and more reliability as the usual metrics for the next generation, more thoughtful analyses are needed to provide a list of comprehensive problems that are key to the growth of the industry.  

When reviewing the reports from the media, one can readily see a long list of 5G accomplishment in terms of the capabilities. Yet much of the optimism does not seem to extend to the experts in the industry. This mismatch of the perceptions of 5G is due to the many challenges that need to be overcome to make the 5G a success story. While many of the challenges will be dealt with in later releases of 5G, the bulk of them may need to be addressed by 6G. In this presentation, we shall provide some urgent problems that face 5G and hopefully the list would serve as the starting point for 6G research. 

Hits: 873


Final manuscript:
14 February 2020


Update in the evening of 12 March 2020:

2nd 6G Wireless Summit 2020 will be organised as a VIRTUAL EVENT due to the rapidly changing COVID-19 situation.


Email information sent to all participants: Workshops and Tutorials cancelled on Thursday and Friday 19-20 March!


Final Programme published


Organizers’ approach on COVID-19 virus published


Advance Programme published!


Call for Participation published for Expert Groups for Themed 6G Research White Papers












Video recap of the 6G WIRELESS Summit 2019