Final manuscripts are due by 14 February 2020. No extension for this deadline will be possible.  

Please find the steps for the final manuscript submission: 

  1. Registration 
  2. Preparation of the Camera Ready (not mandatory for Posters) 
  3. Copyright Submission (not for Posters) 
  4. Venue, Travel, and Invitation Letters 

Detailed instructions for each step are provided below. 

1 6G Wireless Summit 2020 Registration 

To be included in the 6G Wireless Summit 2020 Conference Proceedings and IEEE Xplore®, AT LEAST ONE AUTHOR of an accepted full paper is required to register for the conference at the FULL rate by February 14, 2020, and the paper must be presented at the conference.

We highlight that IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference, including IEEE Xplore® Digital Library, if the paper is not presented by the author at the conference. 

For Posters other registration options, e.g., student/one day, are possible because extended Poster Abstracts will not be included in the IEEE Xplore® Digital Library.  

2 Preparation of the Camera-ready Version of Your Paper

  • While preparing the final version of your paper, please make sure to read the reviews of your paper and take into account the reviewers’ recommendations for revising it. 
  • Each accepted manuscript should not exceed five (5) A4 IEEE style pages. 
  • Your paper must comply with standard IEEE conference templates available at:
  • To submit your final paper, please go to EDAS, click on the “My Papers” tab, and then upload your paper after clicking on the icon under the column “Upload” where your paper is located (in your papers table list). 
  • Please make sure that the list of your paper’s co-authors is complete in EDAS, and that it exactly corresponds to your manuscript authors list. Otherwise, unlisted co-authors will not be recognized by EDAS registration system.  In case you obtain errors after uploading the final manuscript, please correct them and re-upload the corrected version (any question about manuscript problems should sent to Publication Chairs). If you experience any other problems during the upload process of your paper on EDAS, please contact

3 IEEE Copyright Transfer 

At the moment of final manuscript submission, the IEEE copyright transfer agreement must be submitted electronically via EDAS. This can be done by going to “My Papers” tab and clicking on the ‘(c)’ icon under the column “Copyright” where your paper is located. Copyright transfer will be completed in a few clicks, without the need for uploading a scanned copyright form. 

The copyright clearance code will be incorporated into your paper in an automatic manner in EDAS so it should not appear in your submitted camera ready version. Please remove it if it appears in your paper template. 

4 Venue, Travel & Invitation Letters

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