Call for Participation – Expert Groups for Themed 6G Research White Papers/strong>

To continue the work of recently published 6G White Paper “Key Drivers and Research Challenges for 6G Ubiquitous Wireless Intelligence”, we invite experts and enthusiasts of future 6G technologies to join the writing process of twelve new themed 6G Research White Papers led by 6G Flagship senior researchers:

Call for Participation as PDF

Expert Groups A

Workshop on 19 March 2020

1. 6G Drivers and UN SDGs led by Marja Matinmikko-Blue

Key drivers for 6G research towards 2030 are elaborated further. The relevant UN SDGs will be transferred into tangible drivers and KPIs for 6G research in a multi-disciplinary way.

2. Validation and Trials for Verticals led by Ari Pouttu

Verticals will be setting specific requirements for 6G deployments. They will also involve some application technology features that require detailed R&D before integration to overall system design. Understanding the diverse requirements is critical also for the design of validation platforms. Generation of real systems data will be critical also for the development of various ML/AI based applications and system optimization methods. 

3. Machine Learning in Wireless Communications led by Samad Ali

The objective of this group is to provide the vision and future directions of research for machine learning in wireless communications. The aim is to move from the hype to reality and to find the key areas where machine learning can solve wireless communications problems and be integrated into wireless system design.

4. Networking led by Tarik Taleb

This group aims to investigate advanced features relevant to networking that would shape the evolution beyond 5G. Hereby, the group will study the advancements and implications introduced by the evolution of softwarization, agile control and deterministic services. It will also overview the key technologies that constitute the pillars for the evolution beyond 5G, considering micro-service oriented core network, native IP based user plane, network analytics and the support of low latency – high reliability transport layer.

5. Broadband Connectivity for 6G led by Nandana Rajatheva

This group focuses on relevant methodologies, including new waveforms and coding schemes, for high bit rate connectivity up to terabit range. For short distance in the range of tens of meters, novel forms of beamforming and resource allocation will be discussed taking into account novelties such as cell-free massive MIMO.

6. RF & Spectrum led by Aarno Pärssinen

High data rate 6G systems will be deployed significantly higher frequencies than current 5G systems enabling sensing and radar functionality integrations with communication radios. New spectrum allocations of 6G systems will face new technical challenges and regulatory requirements and this group focuses on these mentioned questions.

Expert Groups B

Workshop on 19 March 2020

7. Connectivity for Remote Areas led by Harri Saarnisaari

Unserved, underserved and badly served (low QoS) areas form the digital divide and are often in remote areas. This group thinks how 6G should be developed to serve those areas as efficiently as possible taking into consideration practical limitations e.g. in fixed internet connectivity, electricity grid availability and economic constraints.

8. Business of 6G led by Seppo Yrjölä

This group will utilize a scenario planning method to think about plausible alternative futures. By focusing on key drivers of change, their interactions, and irreducible uncertainties, scenario building generates futures within which we can design and evaluate alternative 6G business scenarios and business models of the future.

9. Edge Intelligence led by Ella Peltonen

The Edge Intelligence group focuses on algorithms, systems, and services, that make it possible to run effective, real-time data analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence in the edge computing environment. Possible topics include network structure and management, data management and resource sharing, task distribution, and novel algorithmic solutions and optimisations for the real-time, edge-native intelligence.

10. Trust, Security and Privacy led by Mika Ylianttila

This expert group addresses fundamental research challenges in the areas of trust, security and privacy for the era beyond 5G systems and 6G. The roles of trust, security and privacy are somewhat interconnected, but different facets of next generation networks. Some of the 6G threat vectors are inherited from 5G, but there are also new threat vectors which emerge from the novel radio technologies in THz band and further network densification which follows. The current 5G standard does not address the issue of quantum computing, but relies on traditional cryptography. The development towards cloud and edge native infrastructures is expected to continue in 6G networks. The challenges in creating a trustworthy 6G are multidisciplinary spanning technology, regulation, techno-economics, politics and ethics.

11. Critical and Massive MTC towards 6G led by Nurul Huda Mahmood

The growing and diverse application of IoT means that critical and massive MTC will play a dominant role in 6G networks. The working group aims to establish an over-arching vision for the evolution of MTC towards 6G by identifying the most relevant use cases, requirements and enabling technologies.

12. Localization and Sensing led by Carlos Lima

6G systems and beyond operating at the mmWave and THz frequency range impose daunting technological challenges, while offering great opportunities. In this context, this working group will look at novel localization, sensing and imaging methods aiming to enable new services and improve the operation of such future wireless communication systems.


6G Flagship establishes 12 expert groups, which are formed based on an open call on 27 November 2019 – 6 January 2020. One person can participate in 1-2 Expert Groups at 6G Summit, selecting one from Expert Groups A and one from Expert Groups B. However, you can contribute to any of the groups before the event via the online form.

Each Expert Group member can contribute to the group work in January-April 2020 in the form of e.g. text paragraphs that describe novel ideas, a list of already developed ideas along with suggested references and/or conceptual graphics, and active participation in discussion.

Each Expert Group has a dedicated online working space where material can be accessed and co-written. Telcos will be organized taking into consideration different time zones of the participants.

It is highly recommended that group members attend the 6G White Paper Workshop in Levi, Finland on 19 March 2020, to maximize the quality of the written outcome – the themed 6G White Papers. If attendance in the workshop is not possible, considerable contributions made before and after the event remain valid. Registration for the 6G Summit is done separately.


To register, please fill in the online form.

You will be asked to

  • highlight your research interest related to the chosen theme(s)
  • describe your suggested contributions to the themed 6G White Paper
  • confirm your availability for the group work (2-4 telcos, online editing and Workshop on 19 March 2020)

Please note that you can modify your registration after submitting it via the link you will receive in the confirmation email.

If there is space in the Expert Group, late registrations are possible by January 2020 by contacting the group leader.


Registration for the Expert Groups6 January
Group leader contacts members for meeting scheduleBy 10 January
Expert Group members’ contribution, collection of material and group telcosBy 28 February
Draft 6G Research White Papers finalizedBy 28 February
Group leader makes the pre-version of the 6G White Paper available for Summit attendeesBy 13 March
6G White Papers Workshop19 March
Finalization of the White Paper with the Expert GroupBy 30 April
6G White Papers published in 6G Research Visions seriesBy 30 June


The groups will produce 12 individual 6G White Papers to be published in the 6G Research Visions –series of the University of Oulu with a specific DOI, ISBN number and online access through an open repository. All contributing Expert Group members will be included in the list of authors.

The previous 6G White Paper “Key Drivers and Research Challenges for 6G Ubiquitous Wireless Intelligence” resulting from the First 6G Wireless Summit was published in September 2019 in the same publication series.


For specific inquiries concerning Expert Groups, please contact the corresponding group leader ( In other questions, please contact 6G Summit General Chair prof. Matti Latva-aho (

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