The Workshop is CANCELLED

Friday 20 March, Full day

The workshop, which is open for all registered participants, will take place on Friday 20 March from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm and from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm.

Organizers: Franco Davoli, University of Genoa and CNIT S2N National Lab, Italy; and Tarik Taleb, Aalto University and University of Oulu, Finland

Workshop Co-Chairs: Chiara Lombardo, CNIT, Italy; Panagiotis Gouvas, Ubitech, Greece; Anastasios Zafeiropoulos, Ubitech, Greece

The goal of the Workshop is to present the main assets and business models for the whole MATILDA solution and its vertical demonstrators and the potential of their evolution toward 6G, where, by mapping application requirements to network slice configuration and allowing fast dynamic adaptation of resources, it may contribute to empower European SMEs and other stakeholders in the development of more efficient 5/6G-aware applications and foster innovative vertical industries.

The Workshop will include presentations on the MATILDA assets from Consortium partners and will also welcome invited speakers from academia and the industrial sector, from application developers to Telco Service Providers, possibly followed by a panel discussion. Presentations will be upon invitation only.


The integration of vertical industries in the design of the fifth-generation (5G) mobile networks is seen as a cardinal facet to support the introduction of digital technologies in economic and societal processes and open truly global markets for innovative digital business models, leading to the fourth industrial revolution. For this reason, the demands of industrial stakeholders acting at different levels, from application/service developers to telecom/cloud infrastructure providers, should be considered as high-priority drivers of 5G networks design by involving them in the 5G ecosystem since the beginning and preparing them to the further forthcoming Beyond-5G evolution (6G).


The MATILDA Project targets a coordinated, highly dynamic and fully automated control of all the resources/services at any layer to enable verticals autonomically deploying and managing the lifecycle of their 5G-ready applications in a multi-tenant/domain ecosystem. This holistic approach will not only empower application developers by providing them with the appropriate tools to lower the barriers for creating 5/6G-ready applications, but it will also significantly contribute to bridge the gap between the verticals and the underlying cloud/edge network: by leveraging on the “softwarization” process, network operators’ infrastructures will be transformed into distributed datacenters with advanced virtualization, software-driven capabilities, and Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) support, shifting the role of telecommunication service providers in the Information and Communication Technology value chain.

The new KPIs imposed by the evolution beyond 5G impose improvement not only in the wireless segment, but also in providing a more strongly integrated and convergent networking environment, capable of unleashing the potentiality offered by extremely high-speed, short-range and ubiquitous access. This new ecosystem needs extremely flexible, programmable and dynamically adjustable allocation of networking resources, spanning from the MEC to the cloud environment. Improvements are needed in the architectural framework, but also in management and control strategies targeting both unprecedented performance requirements and energy efficiency, without increasing the operational burden of the network and infrastructure service providers.

Link to Detailed MATILDA Workshop Program.

Hits: 663


Final manuscript:
14 February 2020


Update in the evening of 12 March 2020:

2nd 6G Wireless Summit 2020 will be organised as a VIRTUAL EVENT due to the rapidly changing COVID-19 situation.


Email information sent to all participants: Workshops and Tutorials cancelled on Thursday and Friday 19-20 March!


Final Programme published


Organizers’ approach on COVID-19 virus published


Advance Programme published!


Call for Participation published for Expert Groups for Themed 6G Research White Papers












Video recap of the 6G WIRELESS Summit 2019